strona główna
GSM infrastructure

Since the very beginnig of the GSM technology in Poland our firm cooperates closely in terms of developing network facilities with all three Polish GSM operators (PlusGSM, IDEA Centertel, EraGSM)

For the past 10 years there were nearly 300 investments accomplished to develop network facilities for the growing market. Majority of them were telecommunication towers, but there were also other, various steel constructions supporting GSM aerials on a factories' chimneys, churches' towers, masts, tower blocks and the like.

At the moment we cooperate closest with PlusGSm operator - Polkomtel SA. Apart from the focal point of our business we provide them with 24/7h service, supporting their BTS stations located in the south-east Poland.

GSM infrastructure

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Structure:Steel constructions to suport GSM aerials on belfry of the church, Plus GSM

Location: Church of the Holiest Heart of Jezus, Lublin Kunickiego 128 Street

Accomplished: December 2002

The range of the assigments accomplished:

  • assembly and mounting steel aerial supporters and wires road
  • painting of the entire construction
  • providing the power supply

Total weight of the construcion: 600 kg


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